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Air Conditioned - Smoke Free-Floating Hardwood Floor - Excellent Acoustics

Strawberry Square
1-08-2017 West Coast Association Membership Dance
Callers: Ron Reardon & Marty Vanwart
Cuer: Alice Bubel
Photographer/Historian, for the Temple Twirlers and all the Clubs we visit,
John Occhipinti & Yolanda Trainor

TwilersStrawberry Travelers

Strawberry Squares

Treasurer- Lynne & John Scott

Strawberry Squares


President-Ed Drexel Vice President-Lance & Rita Baxter- Terry Wetherby

Callers & Cuers- Marion & Marty Vanwart - Sue & Ron Reardon - Alice & Gary Bubel - Marsha Oshiro &

Promenade Squares

Florida Federation Delegates- Ann & Don Slocum
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